Pumpkin Spice Whipped Coffee

The whipped coffee craze has made quite a splash on Tik Tok and other social media platforms, but originated in Korea and is called Dalgona Coffee. By combining instant coffee, sugar and water and vigorously whipping, the concoction will “whip” up. The finished product is fluffy, creamy and rich.

Instead of instant coffee I decided to use a higher quality cold brew coffee, but in order to get the same texture I added Xanthan gum. This powdered ingredient is used in baking and other cooking applications to thicken recipes. In this case it will make the cold brew coffee fluff up.

The pumpkin spice version here is served on top of iced milk that has been mixed with pumpkin puree and sweetened with my Dilli Vanilli Vanilla syrup… You can buy Dilli Vanilli here in the store section.

>>> Dilli Vanilli

Here’s how to make this tasty beverage:


2oz cold brew coffee

1 tbsp sugar

1/4tsp pumpkin pie spice

1/4 tsp xanthan gum powder

6oz of milk on ice

1 tablespoon pumpkin puree

1oz Dilli Vanilli Syrup or vanilla syrup of your choice


Combine milk, vanilla syrup and pumpkin puree in a glass. Whisk together until pumpkin puree is disolved. Add ice and leave about 1/2” of space for your tasty whipped coffee that you’ll make next!

If you have a Magic Bullet or small blender I recommend using it for this next step, it will make the process go much quicker. Some people use a whisk, but that will take you a while to get the “fluff” you want.

Combine coldbrew coffee, xanthan gum, sugar and pumpkin pie spice in your mixing device and blend until the mix quadruples in volume. You will see it grow as it whipps and get thicker the longer you do it.

When it reaches the consistency you want ( you should be able to pull peaks up on it like meringue ), pour it on top of your iced pumpkin milk. Dust with some cinnamon or more pumpkin pie spice and enjoy!

To see me make this, tune into MORE GOOD DAY OREGON on October 26th at 9am on KPTV FOX 12. A link will be here as soon as its available.
